Trading again at last! 2021
This is quite an exciting time for us! We brought The Glass Barge down to Long Itchington a couple of weekend ago and have cleaned and, where necessary mended, the boat/gallery, so that we are now ready to start trading for the first time in 18 months!

To start with we are offering private viewings by appointment in the local area. But, we are booked in to attend the Leamington Spa Canal Festival on 26th & 27th June, so will start moving the boat back to Leamington over the next few weeks.
In the meantime the scaffold is up on the building site and the house kit is coming on Monday! So trading must fit around site events.

Between all these things happening we have been enjoying growing plants ready for the time that we can start on the garden. At the moment most things are in pots on the mooring and need constant watering (canal water!)

Many of our plants have been grown from seed and this year the Aquilegia and blooming well.

There will be more pictures soon, when they start erecting the house next week.