Progress – but slow!
There has been some progress on the site, although not as much as we would have liked!
The Site hut/Welfare unit is up, but not yet fitted out, although we did buy the toilet today!! I also started painting the inside yesterday and Andrew is working hard on digging trenches to run the electric cables to provide heat and light. Getting quotes for the ground work and piling has taken up time and involves a lot of patiently waiting for people to get back to us.
In the meantime we are also increasing our raised beds and have planted broad bean seeds and garlic bulbs in one. We have also planted up some tubs with spring bulbs, so hopefully we will have a bit of colour to look forward to in the new year.

Although we are only trading via the website and online markets, the sales are still coming in. Last weekend we made a trip up to Hawne Basin and The Glass Barge, to make a commission for a fellow trader. I made a batch of earring, which are now known as the ‘fireworks’ range, after comments from people when I posted these on facebook and instagram.