Plans for the 2019 year
We have been spending time at the Basin where Andrew is organising new electrical hookups around the basin, so that all the moored boats have access to mains electric, which has not been the case up to now. This has taken up a lot of time, so we have not been able to do as much travelling in our camper van as we would have liked. We did however manage to get out for a weekend at the beginning of March and hope to do more over the next few weeks.
I have been looking at new designs for the coming year and have come up with a few ideas that I am now developing further. The idea is to work on a range of more individual jewellery set with sterling silver.

I have been wearing this one a bit to see what reaction it gets and so far it has been positive.
To do this design I have had to perfect the art of drilling holes and keeping them open during subsequent firings.
The next step is to work on the ways to hang this from silver chains.
While working on these I have also been booking festivals and markets for the summer. The season will start in Droitwich Spar for the May Day bank holiday weekend, then the Open Weekend here at Hawne Basin in Halesowen. (See ‘What’s on’ for more information about the rest of the year.)
The other plans that are keeping us busy are to do with buying a plot of land on which we intend to build a house for our old age! More on this later, when things are more definite.