Good Foundations
Things are starting to move a bit faster on our building site now! The Piles are in, the foundation trenches have been dug and now the steel for the ground beam is being installed ready for concrete to be poured next week.
We can now see how the house will sit on the plot and start to get an idea of the size, which is always difficult just from the plans.
The date for the timber house kit is now in the diary, as is the date for the delivery and installation of the windows and doors.
All this means that we don’t have much time to do any glass work, even if we had the workshop here with us! We need to be on site while the work is in progress and until the structure is up and watertight. At that stage we may have time to bring The Glass Barge down to the site and possibly attend a few canal festivals (or land based events). It is difficult to make plans as dates keep changing and delays happen! And there is a Pandemic going on!!

I (Pam) didn’t know what a ‘ground beam’ was until a few months ago!