2022 – What to expect!
The good news –

We are sharing a venue with 4 other artists at The Litten Tree in Coventry (see our ‘What’s on’ page for more details)
This will be our first time taking part in this event and we are very excited to be doing this in conjunction with other artist from the area. It would be lovely to see some of our previous customers/friends and also meet new people, who may not have ventured onto the canals to see us in the past.
Unfortunately this year we will be very busy with building work on the house, so events for The Glass Barge will have to take second place! We will try to book up some land based fairs, but it is unlikely that we will be cruising, much to our sorrow!
We have survived the recent storms with no damage to house or boat, although there were waves on the canal and two small trees on the plot did threaten to come down! Once the weather improves we will give them a hand by applying a bow saw!