2019 a year of Sunshine, Rain and Wind!
What a year this has been as far as the weather is concerned!
Some weekends have been too hot to bare and others have been wet and windy, but very few have been just right.
All the festivals and markets that we have attended on the canals have been good and it has been nice to meet up with other trader friends again after the winter break.
When we left the basin in May, after the Open weekend, we ran a course in Birmingham for a very pleasant couple,

who produced some interesting work over the two days. This was the second days firing which produced some unexpected results!
We have been to festivals/markets at Foxton, Coventry, Cosgrove and Linslade, as well as trading on our own in other places.
Our daughter moved house in August, so we spent a few days with her, helping with the move and unpacking boxes amoungs other things.
Now we are heading north again and expect to be back in the basin by mid October when one of the boats is due on the slipway so that we can black the bottom – which is a very messy job!!
We are now looking towards the Christmas period and have already booked to be at the Quinton Methodist Church Christmas Fair and also at the White House Glass Cone in Stourbridge. These two events are over the same weekend, so we will be splitting our resourses and doing one each.
I will be booking other fairs/markets and will add these to the site as and when they are booked.